CSS-in-JS panel ❤️ + MDX's rough edges ⛏ + Progressive SSR 🧩
Monday, 2 March 2020
7:00 PM — 9:00 PM
Atlassian HQ
Level 29, 363 George Street Sydney
CSS-in-JS panel ❤️ + MDX's rough edges ⛏ + Progressive SSR 🧩
Monday, 2 March 2020
7:00 PM — 9:00 PM
Atlassian HQ
Level 29, 363 George Street Sydney
Get more out of MDX with this one weird trick
By Ben Conolly
Have you been using the new hotness that is mdx (react components RIGHT IN YOUR MARKDOWN)? Have you been eyeing it with an ambition of getting this very neat technology into your projects somehow? Well I am here to, if not discourage you, then temper your expectations, explain some of the pitfalls MDX can create, and provide some solid recommendations having worked with MDX on when to use it, and when not to.
CSS-in-JS Panel with Max Stoiber & Emma Hamilton
By Max Stoiber
@mxstbrBy Emma Hamilton
Fresh from speaking at ReactConf AU, both Max & Emma are in Sydney and want to talk CSS-in-JS with you!
Discussing the pros / cons, history, interesting use cases, and taking your audience questions!
Panel discussion hosted by Jess Telford
Progressive Server Rendering with React
By Dinesh Pandiyan
Progressive server rendering bridges the gap between slow client-side rendering and api latent full server side rendering. It lets you render the critical above-the-fold content of the website faster on slow networks and chunk the rest of the website progressively from the server to the client bridging the pros of both client and full server rendering and weeding out the downsides from both.
This talk will highlight the benefits of progressive server side rendering and how it can be done in a React application. Target audience: React devs with intermediate knowledge on server rendering.