React Sydney: November 2019 event
Monday, 4 November 2019
6:00 PM — 9:00 PM
Atlassian HQ
Level 29, 363 George Street Sydney
React Sydney: November 2019 event
Monday, 4 November 2019
6:00 PM — 9:00 PM
Atlassian HQ
Level 29, 363 George Street Sydney
The GitHub Package Registry, a brief exploration and analysis
By Nathan Simpson
This talk aims to discuss the establishing of the GitHub Package Registry, its use-cases, and how it can impact your workflow.
Breaking the rules to go faster
By Alex Reardon
This talk contains a surprise - you have to come along to hear it!
Compile-Time React
By Dinesh Pandiyan
React is a JavaScript library with built-in JSX syntax which enables writing HTML-like code to update the DOM. The whole JSX => JS transpilation is abstracted by babel plugins and zero-config build tools like webpack. In this talk, I will deep dive into the transpilation part of React and give an overview of what happens behind the screen during builds and how developers can take advantage of and think in terms of static analysis to write build tools that improve developer experience and eventually build better applications.